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FAQ for F500

FAQ for F500

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FAQ for F500

FAQ for F500

About Hizero

    • Comparing to broom and mop, Hizero can thoroughly clean your floor in one simple step, saving your time and effort. The floor is protected from excess water.
    • Comparing to traditional vacuum cleaners, Hizero is much quieter, emits no waste air or dust, and the battery lasts much longer.
    • Comparing to wet&dry vacuum cleaners, Hizero is much quieter, emits no waste air or dust, and the battery lasts much longer. The solid and liquid waste is automatically separated, and the floor is protected from excess water and scratches.
    • Comparing to robot cleaners, Hizero is quicker and quieter to clean the floor. And it can easily handle heavy-duty cleaning, and accidents like spills.
    • All hard floor types that are water resistant, including tiles, marble, timber, engineered timber, laminates, vinyl, concrete, cork, and other engineered and hybrid floors.
    • Ideal for marble and timber because Hizero does not leave excess water and cleans gently with the soft cleaning roller to avoid scratches.
    • 60 minutes on Mode 1.
    • 60 minutes on Mode 2.
    • The battery icon turns red when the battery is low.
    • The unit automatically turns off when the battery is dead.
    • All typical solid, liquid, or mixed waste found on your floor such as dust, dirt, spills, hair, debris, stains.
    • For a large bulky mess, for example a full plate of spaghetti, remove the mess with paper towel first, and then finish with your Hizero.
    • Avoid sharp objects such as broken glass, nails, or screws, to avoid accidental damages to the cleaning roller.
    • 200-400m2 of floor in the 60min battery runtime depending on how fast you clean.
    • 40-80 m2 of floor on Mode 1 with one tank of 500ml clean water.
    • 20-40 m2 of floor on Mode 2 with one tank of 500ml clean water.
    • You will clean faster after a few times of use.
    • Hizero F500 is easier to maintain after cleaning the floor:
      • All maintenance is accessible from one place.
      • U-shaped trash container to allow easier emptying.
      • Brush cleaning tool to remove collected hair on the brush roller.
    • The power, battery run time, and water tank volume are the same on F500 and F803.

How to Use Hizero

    • Please follow the instructional video to assemble your Hizero. Here are the steps:

      1. Unpack the cleaning roller. Soak the cleaning roller in water(15°C-40°C)for 2-5 minutes and keep squeezing until it is fully softened.
      2. Install the cleaning roller.
      3. Ensure that the upper body and lower body is connected firmly.
      4. Charge the Hizero for 4 hours.
      5. Start your first Hizero time.


    • For detailed instructions, please download F500 User Manual in the page www.hizero.com/product/f500.
    • Please follow the instructional video to use your Hizero. Here are the steps:
      1. Fill the cleaning water tank. Make sure the tap water is below 40°C. Add 5ml of Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution.
      2. Push and pull back and forth to clean the floor. Avoid sharp or loose objects such as cables.
      3. To remove an excessive amount of waste, please push forward for the best effect.
      4. For intensive cleaning, switch to Mode 2. Twist the handle to quickly clean stubborn stains.
      5. Push forward to lock and finish the floor cleaning.
    • Empty the trash container and the dirty water tank after every use.
    • Perform a deep self-cleaning after heavy-duty cleaning.
      1. Put your Hizero on its docking base
      2. Use the Mode 2 and leave the unit running until it automatically stops.
      3. Empty the dirty water tank.
      4. Repeat the process if necessary.
    • 4 hours for a full charge.
    • It is OK to leave your Hizero plugged in after charging, as it will automatically stop charging when it is fully charged to protect the battery.
    • For safety reasons, the battery on a new Hizero has only <30% of battery left, please fully charge the battery before the first use.
    • Different cleaning products or disinfectants may contain chemicals that are erosive. Such chemicals could damage your Hizero’s internal parts and cause problems like water leakage.
    • We recommend the Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution to be used with your Hizero for the best cleaning performance and 99.99% disinfection against bacteria and fungi.
    • Hizero can clean under furniture if the height is >9cm.
    • The full length of Hizero can go under your furniture if the height is >20cm.
    • The Hizero’s cleaning head can be used around obstacles simply by giving the handle a twist.
    • Normally no. The cleaning roller can stay soft for 2-5 days depending on the weather.
    • Only soak the cleaning roller when it’s dry and hardened.
    • Avoid direct sunlight or close contact with heat sources like a heater to avoid fast hardening.
    • Mode 1 is for regular floor cleaning.
    • Mode 2 is for heavy duty cleaning, for example cleaning your kitchen after cooking. Mode 2 applies more water for stronger cleaning.
    • It is also recommended to add 5ml of Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution to the water tank for the best result.
    • For heavy duty cleaning, put 5ml, a full cap, into the 500ml clean water tank.
    • 99.99% disinfection effect against bacteria and fungi by 3rd party lab tests.
    • The docking base is a perfect stand to store your Hizero, and it serves as the station where you have your Hizero to run the deep self-cleaning.
    • The brush is a tool to help emptying the trash container after cleaning. It can also be used for maintaining your Hizero when you want to give it a thorough cleaning.
    • The brush cleaning tool is designed to easily remove long hair that is collected on the brush roller. Insert the brush roller following the direction of the arrows on the brush cleaning tool and push it through to remove the hair.

How to Maintain Hizero

    • Please follow the instructional video to maintain your Hizero. Here are the steps:

      1. After floor cleaning, dispose the dry waste from the trash container, pour the wet waste from the dirty water tank, and remove hair from the brush roller.
      2. Check the grate and clean it if necessary.
      3. Do the deep self-cleaning. Fill the cleaning water tank. Make sure the tap water is below 40°C. Add 5ml of Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution. Select Mode 2 to start the process.
      4. Do not charge during the deep self-cleaning.
      5. Leave the unit running until it automatically stops. Empty the dirty water tank.


    • For detailed instructions, please download F500 User Manual in the page www.hizero.com/product/f500.
    • The cleaning roller should be replaced every 6-18 months depending on how often you clean your floor. If you clean 30min every day, please replace the cleaning roller every 6 months. If you clean 2-3 times a week, please replace the cleaning roller every 18 months.
    • The brush roller should be replaced every 12 months or when it cannot effectively function due to deformation.
    • The wiper should be replaced every 12 months or when it cannot effectively function due to deformation.
    • The Cleaning Solution comes in 1L bottle. It lasts for 200 tanks of water. You normally need 1 bottle every 12 months.
    • Unexpected damages could be caused by improper use of the unit, please replace the damaged parts immediately.
    • Make sure that the trash container and both water tanks are emptied.
    • Take out the cleaning roller and let it dry completely. You can use the stands on the docking base to keep the cleaning roller standing to dry.
    • Take out the battery for maximum protection if you are going to be away. You need to release the screw with a screwdriver or a coin to remove the battery.
    • Hizero parts are not designed for dishwashers.
    • You can use the brush accessory to clean the parts.
    • Empty both the trash container and the dirty water tank after every use to avoid unpleasant odor.
    • Perform deep self-cleaning when necessary, for example after cleaning milk, food spills, or pet feces. Add 5ml of Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution for the deep self-cleaning.
    • In case an odor is generated by unemptied trash container or dirty water tank, please do the deep self-cleaning with 5ml of the Hizero Hard Floor Cleaning Solution, and repeat the deep self-cleaning if necessary, until the odor is gone.

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